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MUSE: Blogger Jonathan Zegbe

jon the gold

Burning questions answered by our current muse, Jonathan Zegbe of fashion blog, "Jon the Gold."

Labeling Men: What made you decide to start a men’s fashion blog?

J.Z: It all started as a joke. A friend of mine – and fashion blogger – Trudy from It’s True Blog, suggested me to start a blog. At first I was not a fan of the idea. After seeing male bloggers like I AM GALLA, at that time, it boosted my confidence. Within a month I started blogging about men’s fashion.

L.M: How has your style evolved since you started the blog?

J.Z: I always had a strong passion for fashion. Thanks to my blog I was able to open up to different kind of styles. I wear more flashy, edgy and unique pieces. That’s what fashion is all about: DARING! In that progress I found my signature style: African Dapper. It’s a mix of the modern society I live in and the influence of my African roots.

L.M: What are some of your favorite brands that you feel can seemingly transition into any outfit?

J.Z: WE Fashion, Ben Sherman & Zara

L.M: How would you describe the style vibe in Belgium, where you live?

J.Z: In general I would describe the Antwerp style as average. Come to my city to see yourself. I would be glad to give you guided tour!

L.M: Do your parents’ African roots influence your style in any way?

J.Z: Africa is my roots, wherever I go I’ll never forget where I’m from. That’s why I often show Africa-nspired looks on my blog once in a while. I like the African vibe, the colorful prints, fabrics and details they use in their clothing. It doesn’t have to be a lot but just a little sparkly detail in my outfit is what I need, to show my love for Africa.

L.M: What city/country that you’ve traveled to do you feel has the fashion you most connect with?

J.Z: I would have to say Paris. J’adore Paris. I feel like their fashion is all about being unique in a future fashion dimension.

L.M: You are in front of the camera on your blog, and behind the camera as a photographer for other projects. Which position are you most comfortable in?

J.Z: Well…I like both and I’ll tell you why. When I’m in front of the lens I have a vision and a concept that I want to communicate to my readers. As a photographer, I have full creative control of the concept that I want to capture by using an angle you feel that fits the best. Get dirty if you have to, at the end of the day it’s all about capturing the moment.

L.M: What was your worst fashion choice?

J.Z: I was talking about this with a collaborator of mine. We were saying that Skinny Jeans are so over. And I got over skinny jeans a while ago. A reason why men like to wear jeans is because we can breath in it. So why wear a skinny jeans to suffocate in it?

L.M: How would you label or define your style?

J.Z: In 3 words: Dapper, Sharp & Playful

L.M: Who are some of your style icons?

J.Z: Pharell Williams because of his timeless swagger. And Belgian artist Stromae. His style is epic because he dares to go for different looks, kind of a chameleon.

L.M: How does what you wear affect your mood?

J.Z: When I feel some type of way or I’m going some type of place then I will decide what I’m going to wear. Whenever I feel happy I do tend to wear a colorful outfit or a look with warm relaxed colors – like brown, beige, pastel - to feel comfy when I’m at work or school.

L.M: We loved your post about hats! How do you think accessories help bring an outfit together?

J.Z: Imagine your outfit of the day was a drawing. Items like a t-shirt or shirt, pants, shoes will be standard on the draft. The accessories help you fill in the blanks. Making your outfit of the day more appealing and it makes your look complete. It can be bracelets, a chain, a tie pin, a fedora hat …

L.M: What is your one go-to item for any outfit?

J.Z: Wristbands. My outfit is never complete without a wristband. Never leave your wrist naked, it deserves to be covered.

L.M: What is your biggest fashion pet-peeve?

J.Z: Socks & Sandals.

L.M: What current trend do you hope goes away as soon as possible?

J.Z: I think we can all agree that the ugly Crocks can be removed from the market.

L.M: Is there one item you would suggest a guy wear on a first date?

J.Z: One item you should definitely wear is a right attitude. Without that, your overpriced shirt or blazer aint going to impress nobody. Be kind, be yourself and be flirty.

L.M: What’s the most attractive article of clothing a woman can wear?

J.Z: I have something with women in sexy red lingerie. That’s a total turn-on.

L.M: What's your number one advice you tell yourself when romantically interested in someone?

J.Z: Be yourself, be confident & be the man.

L.M: Any funny/horrifying dating stories?

J.Z: My worst dating experience was with this girl. Let’s call her D. We were talking a lot and she used to tell me how she could cook and she makes the best meal. I was impressed so went to her place – our first date. We were chilling and getting cozy. Then we were ready for dinner time. She brings me a plate of whatever she cooked that looked digusting. It was pasta with frikadel and pieces of salami. As if it wasn’t poisoning enough she put some mayonnaise on it. I excused myself, of course I stayed a gentleman, and I said I wasn’t hungry anymore. Which was a lie. But the date went well after the food incident tho hehe ;-)

L.M: Lastly, words to live by?

J.Z: To see evolution, leave your comfort zone.

Check out Jon The Gold at



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