BEHIND THE SEAMS: Pair of Thieves by Cash Warren

Here at Labeling Men, we love to focus on the details. From a smashing bow tie, the perfect cufflink, all the way down to the sock. Pair of Thieves is an innovative sock line that combines high performance quality with playful, quirky design details. We were able to receive a few words of wisdom from the lines Co-Founder, Cash Warren, about juggling his work life and family, the company ethos, and his own personal “Dad-Chic” style.
Labeling Men: Tell us about the philosophy behind Pair of Thieves and how the line was created.
Cash Warren: Our philosophy is men - in particular dads - need to be ready for everything. Whether that's chasing after your toddler who won't sit still, looking presentable at a business meeting or working out at the gym...we develop our products to be suitable in every situation.
Labeling Men: You mention you are “a different kind of sock company, making a different kind of sock.” What differentiates Pair of Thieves from your competitors?
Cash Warren: We created a designer sock with strong performance attributes and made it affordable.
Labeling Men: What is your specific role in the line? How did you meet the other two founders?
Cash Warren: We are a start-up so we all wear multiple hats in the operation. I focus on marketing, creative design and sales. I went to High School with one of my co-founders, Alan Stuart, and he went to UCLA with our other co-founder David Ehrenberg.
Labeling Men: You coined the hashtag, #readyforeverything. What brought you to that hashtag and what does it mean to the company?
Cash Warren: We want our customers to be prepared for whatever curveball life throws their way...and a good pair of socks is the foundation of preparedness.
Labeling Men: The design of the logo is really unique! What was the concept?
Cash Warren: We are all from California so we thought a brown grizzly bear was a subtle way of paying homage to our home state. We added the mask to make the bear feel sneaky like a thief and a bit more playful.
Labeling Men: What’s next for Pair of Thieves?
Cash Warren: Without divulging too much, we have a lot of fun things in the pipeline, introducing a new brand category and a boys line of socks. Both coming this Fall.
Labeling Men: How would you “label” the guys who wear Pair of Thieves?
Cash Warren: Guys who sports our socks are clearly the smartest, coolest, most impressive and most interesting men on the planet.
Labeling Men: Is your own personal style reflected in the design?
Cash Warren: Yeah, some of the designs reflect my personal style and some of the designs reflect the style of a man I want to become.
Labeling Men: How would you “label” your personal style?
Cash Warren: Dad-Chic...I'm trademarking that term this afternoon.
Labeling Men: How do you maintain a healthy work-life balance?
Cash Warren: It's a work in progress but I try my best to be 100% present in the moment. Sounds so lame and contrived but it's true.

Check out Pair of Thieves at
Photograph by Jutt DaRe