MUSE: Sorry About Last Night

The hilarious comedy duo of Krystyna Hutchinson and Corinne Fisher – appropriately named “Sorry About Last Night” – joined us for some Sunday morning champagne, food, and a killer photoshoot on our New York City roof deck. Arriving within minutes of each other, the twosome launched into stories about their week, warning us that if we knew or even saw Victoria Beckham then we better fucking call them. Best known for their podcast "Guys We Fucked,” they not only empower females to "fuck and feel damn proud about it,” they do it while making you literally laugh your fucking ass off (and not the faux LMFAO bullshit we can't stand). While just being themselves, the pair had fun posing for the camera, making their own poses as we went along, while popping some bottles at the end in celebration.
After the shoot, before they ran off to get some pizza - "I haven't eaten shit in two days,” Fisher exclaimed - we sat down to learn more about their thoughts behind what they do, being two successful females in the male-dominated comedy world, and their time with Andy Dick. We think more so than being some of the funniest people we've ever met, we love that they stand up for women to not give a fuck about who they fuck - being unapologetic for your late night mistakes, refusing to be slut-shamed by society, and standing up for women everywhere who may not have a voice as loud as theirs.
Labeling Men: So how did you guys start working together?
Krystyna Hutchinson: When I was a sophomore in college I interned at a talent management company and Corinne worked there. That’s where we met. The day that I graduated college she came to my first stand-up show and contacted me asking, “Do you want to work together? We could do a comedy duo while preforming stand-up separately, but let’s do some projects as a team.” And I said, “yes, it sounds amazing!” It’s always better to go in with a person that shares a similar type of humor.
Labeling Men: What’s the coolest show that you played so far?
Corinne Fisher: They were the ones we put together ourselves because we had complete creative control. We had an awesome show running at Brooklyn Winery in Williamsburg that was monthly for a while. Recently we sold out the Comedy Store in LA, which was a dream come true.
Labeling Men: How many people does that seat?
Corinne Fisher: There’s three rooms and we sold out [laughs] the smallest room. Like 75 people [laughs].
Labeling Men: That’s still really cool.
Krystyna Hutchinson: Yeah, we have a lot of fans in LA. And I didn’t realize it, but they’re driving all the time so they tell us they listen to a lot of podcasts. It was really fun to meet everybody and see the line around the corner.
Labeling Men: How do you guys decide what you wear when you’re going to go on stage?
Krystyna Hutchinson: Whatever I’m comfortable in. I love bright red lipstick. I love wearing makeup with Chucks and jeans. I don’t usually wear dresses on stage. I wear whatever I’m comfortable with that I can move in.
Corinne Fisher: I’m not a comfortable person. I’m usually pretty uncomfortable in whatever I’m wearing. I wear a lot of heels [laughs]; my feet are real jacked-up. I always wear heels just because I’m short and it helps my shitty posture so I’m not like The Hunchback of Notre Dame on stage. Also, for me when I feel tall I feel more confident. Logistically speaking, most times you’re following someone - a guy – who’s going to be taller than you, so it’s easier when you don’t have to adjust the mic so much on stage.
Labeling Men: So what’s your favorite funniest moment on “Guys We Fucked”?
Krystyna Hutchinson: My favorite moment happened recently. We interviewed comedian Jessica Kirsten and she told us this story about how she said she was date raped at a frat. She ends up telling us the whole story and at the end we go, “Jessica, you weren’t on a date, that was just rape,” and she laughed her ass off! Corinne and I both laughed for about 10 minutes and I think that experiencing her realizing that and laughing really hard at it was such a funny moment for us. It’s always nice when people can laugh at tragedy and things that have happened that scared them. It was a really enjoyable moment.
Corinne Fisher: For me it’s so hard to think of it, but we had Seth Herzog on and he was telling us in detail about a time someone shit in his bed. So all of us were going, “No, this is what I’d do if someone shit my bed...” It was just so great.
Labeling Men: Did he tell her?
Both: Yeah, he did!
Corinne Fisher: I voted that he shouldn’t.
Krystyna Hutchinson: And I was like, “Let it go, Seth.” Another funny moment, probably one of my favorites, took place before an interview. We got an address in Malibu to interview Andy Dick. We were so excited. So we drive all the way to Malibu, get there and find an apartment complex. We open the door and there’s this strange guy there and he goes, “Can I help you?,” and we say, “Yeah, is Andy here?” So he goes, “Yeah, who are you?” And I go “Where is this?!” We ended up being at his rehab facility when I thought we were going to his house. So we got to interview Andy Dick in rehab!
Corinne Fisher: It was a halfway house.
Labeling Men: I don’t even know what to say; that’s crazy.
Krystyna Hutchinson: Andy Dick is amazing.
Corinne Fisher: And he’s pretty hot as well.
Labeling Men: Plus he’s hilarious.
Corinne Fisher: Yeah. Well, even people who are like the “unattractive” person on TV are super hot in real life and it’s weird.
Labeling Men: Speaking of weird, what’s it like interviewing your past hookups on your podcast?
Krystyna Hutchinson: It’s different every time because the first one that I interviewed, Niko, him and I still had a sexual tension, which we probably will always have. But I hadn’t seen him for years until he stepped into the studio to record the podcast. So it was a very flirty interview. I remember when we first started talking Corinne was like, “Do you want me to leave the room?” With other ones, there was a guy we interviewed, Adam, where I swore he dumped me, but he said I dumped him and I was so upset. I was like, “I would never dump you, you’re perfect!” So that was a bummer.
Corinne Fisher: For me, most times it makes me feel uncomfortable, but I think most times it’s reinforcing the reason why you broke up. I’ve never had someone come in and ask, “Why did we break up?” Like it’s always been very clear to me, even if I still like them and get along with them, that it just didn’t work. It’s also nice to have people come in and be like, “Oh, I don’t have any feelings for you anymore,” which is such a nice sense of closure.
Krystyna Hutchinson: It’s also interesting to look back. Because if we didn’t have this podcast, I probably wouldn’t have ever talked to most of the guys that I’d been with again. So it’s an excuse to have this conversation and I’m really interested to have it even if I’m nervous and I like the person or I don’t like the person. I look back on all the guys that I’ve done the podcast with and that I’ve slept with - they’re so different. I look back and go, “That was my crazy phase, that was the trying-to-settle-down phase, and that was the phase where I thought I wanted a bad boy...” The stages represent the footprints of my life.
Corinne Fisher: Before I was a comedian, all those people [past hookups] would come into the room and I would pat myself on the back like, “This is a really attractive person.” And then since I’ve started comedy I’m thinking, “Wow, you’ve made some real sacrifices.”
Labeling Men: What do you do when you have a tough crowd?
Krystyna Hutchinson: A lot of times what I like to do is to recognize it. Recognize the uncomfortable elephant in the room. “You guys aren’t feeling this, I am fully aware of that and that’s okay. It’s a fucking comedy club have fun.” Those are all jokes.
Labeling Men: And do they respond well to that?
Krystyna Hutchinson: Usually that eases them up a little and then I’ll just say something really depressing. So super dark that you can tell it’s made up. Then suddenly everyone laughs because they’re more relaxed. Sometimes when audiences aren’t ready and excited to laugh it’s difficult to bring them around, but it’s fun. I like the challenge.
Corinne Fisher: I’m not so much a show business monkey, so when people don’t want to laugh I kind of don’t care. But as a comedian, your job is to make people laugh. I usually immediately stop telling jokes because you don’t want to lose material that you worked so hard on. Those are your babies on stage. So instead you do crowd work because everyone is a funny person deep down and if you have an honest conversation with somebody, something funny is going to come out. I’m not going to waste the material I spent a lot of time on, so I’ll just go and talk to the crowd. That usually - unless people just really have no interest in being there and you’re interrupting their night - will work.
Krystyna Hutchinson: One time I got invited to perform at Laugh House in Philly. TuRae Gordon is a comic and he hosted it. He invited me to do a show on a Saturday night and I was so excited. It was an all black room, meaning the audience was mostly black people. Those audiences are the best, notorious audiences for comics because you have to earn the joke. They will not laugh if it’s not funny and they will boo you. Those are great crowds to earn your chops with and work on your material. I was only a year in so I didn’t have that experience yet. I get on stage not knowing what the room was going to be like. I’m thinking, “Okay, this is going to be great, I have this moment. This is a good exercise.” So I was suppose to go up first. The host gets up on stage and he starts freestyling going, “DJ, throw me a beat!” The booth spits a beat and this guy starts freestyling. It’s amazing; the crowd is going insane. And then his intro for me is, “Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for my main nigga, Krystyna Hutchinson!” I was like, “Oh, fuck,” because I have jokes about my mom’s depression. So I could either cater, or I could do what I was going to do. I made the wrong decision to cater, and that’s not what you’re supposed to do. The crowd sensed it, and they booed me.
Labeling Men: So you’re supposed to be yourself?
Krystyna Hutchinson: Yeah, you’re supposed to be yourself and that’s why rooms are the best.
Corinne Fisher: In life and as far as comedy goes.
Krystyna Hutchinson: Life lesson. But I’m proud of myself because I dug myself out of a very deep ditch. The one white couple sitting up front was even looking at me like, “Oh, girl that was really bad.” What happened was I went onstage and I go, “I can rap too. DJ, give me a beat!” And it took me 10 minutes to come in and I tried to freestyle rap, blowing it hard. So don’t ever cater, just do your material. Be yourself. I did that at the end, and they loved it. Horrifying.
Labeling Men: Switching to a more serious topic, do you think stereotypes, name-calling, and catcalling directed towards women will ever disappear?
Corinne Fisher: Yeah, I think we’ll progress, but I think it’s like racism. It’s always going to be there a little bit. You hope that it’s not and you work towards abolishing it, but we have to be realistic. And if it’s not those two things it’s going to be something else. Because unfortunately as a society we don’t learn. We just keep doing the same things to Italian people, Irish people, black people, gay people, transgender keeps going and there’s always going to be something new that society doesn’t understand. Looking at it, that’s why we go to history class, so we can try to not make the same mistakes over and over again. Go back to Salem when we were tormenting “witches.” When you take a step back and look at it you go, “Oh my god, I can’t believe this is still happening.” But people are just very uncomfortable with things that are different from the way that they are, the way that they were raised, and the way they continue to live their lives. The best thing to do is to talk about it, because as soon as you understand something, then a lot of the preconceived notions that are usually incorrect will go away. When something isn’t different or scary, then people don’t usually act brashly towards it.
Labeling Men: When did you guys realize you were funny? That you wanted to be performers?
Krystyna Hutchinson: As a kid. Surrounding a lot of female comedians, there’s this stereotype that they have mommy issues and I’m the perfect example of the girl who had mommy issues. My mom had depression when I was young so I would always try to make her laugh and smile all the time. So that became my go-to because I was so used to entertaining and trying to make people smile. That’s where that came from. Corinne Fisher: I didn’t know I wanted to be professionally funny until semi-recently. I just grew up in a funny house. My dad is a very funny person who would always tell stories at the table. And I knew that I liked how I felt when I was laughing. So I went through college, in film school where I thought everyone would be making comedy movies. I thought, “Comedy’s the best, why wouldn’t everyone make a comedy movie?” And it was me and one other kid who were making comedy movies. We were the only people, so I became known as the girl who makes comedy movies. I started going to UCB [Upright Citizens Brigade] and I broke it down one day thinking, “What do I want to do with my life? What makes me feel good?” On the simplest level, making people laugh makes me feel the best. It’s also, “What’s something that I’m good at? And let’s see if we can make some money off this."
Labeling Men: How do you break the stereotypes like menopause and mommy issues surrounding women in comedy?
Krystyna Hutchinson: Some female comedians tend to talk a lot about sex-related stuff. Obviously our podcast is solely about sex, but the point is we’re talking about it in the most honest way possible. We’re not saying what we think we want people to hear, we’re saying what we actually think and feel about it. For me I try not to talk as much about sex on stage. I want to talk about other topics that are generic, that could apply to everybody, or just storytelling - something that’ll entertain. The key is not worrying about trying to be different or trying to break a stereotype. It’s just being as much of yourself as you can and that’s when you’ll [intentional lisp] “thoar” [soar].
Corinne Fisher: It’s important to just be yourself and talk about what’s true to you. But it’s funny that you ask that because I’ve spent my whole summer just working on a project that was exactly about what you just asked. It’s called “The Comedian Project.” My friend Katie and I wrote 20 new minutes that didn’t involve sex, men, relationships, or vagina talk and we turned that into a stand-up show. But so the stereotypes are sometimes used as a crutch because they’re something everyone can relate too, everyone’s experienced, and usually always gets a laugh. But there’s another way to tell that joke almost 90 percent of the time.
Labeling Men: Are there any topics that you feel should be off-limits for comedians?
Both: No!!
Krystyna Hutchinson: Absolutely not ever, ever. Never. If you think that, you shouldn’t be a comic.
Check out the Sorry About Last Night, anti-slut shaming Podcast "Guys We Fucked" and catch them in person: Krystyna Hutchinson with guest Wendy Starling hosting a monthly show of burlesque & comedy, Glamourpuss at Zincbar in the West Village, and Corinne Fisher and Blair Socci co-hosting among free nachos at NY Comedy Club’s late night show, Nacho Bitches.
The Looks:
Corinne Look #1 - Bra by Ana Ono, Shorts by Alexis Mera, Shirt by Control Sector
Corinne Look #2- Bra by Ana Ono, Shorts by Alexis Mera, Shirt by Matiere
Krystyna Look #1- Bra by Parfait by Affinitas, Shorts by Alexis Mera, Shirt by Express
Krystyna Look #2- Bra by Parfait by Affinitas, Shorts by Matiere, shirt by Scott Langton
Written by Nisim Frank
Photographer: Nisim Frank
Stylist: Greer Wycoff
Assistant Stylist: Gwen Leogrande
Art Director: Eric Ascher
Hair & Makeup: Phoenix Hair and Makeup