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Fifteen years ago, Jason Hoehn went on a search to find a simple horseshoe ring. Six months later, he came up empty handed and decided he had to design it himself. Naturally drawn to the art of jewelry making, he realized this was something he could make a career out of. And thus, Huckleberry LTD Jewelry was born and celebrating its two year anniversary in March.

The Huckleberry brand is unique because of its versatile design: 100% of the collection can be worn by women, and 75% can be worn by men, something not common in a fine jewelry line. In addition, Huckleberry captures a balance between being bold and blending in, creating jewelry that is timeless. Hoehn’s goal is to design pieces that can be passed down from generation to generation. “We want to stay outside of trends so that you can wear it for your whole life,” he says.

“Huckleberry” is a 1900s' slang term for “the right man for the job,” and Hoehn clearly encompasses that role. He understands that he is an artist creating pieces from the most expensive material on the planet, and he does not take that responsibility lightly. “I want you to know that you’re wearing jewelry,” he says, “I feel like you get your money’s worth if you feel like you’re wearing it.”

Huckleberry LTD releases new collections quarterly, so be sure to keep up with their social media regularly to see what new pieces they have designed.

We were able to play a game of 21 Questions with Hoehn. Check out his answers below!

What’s the quality you love most in someone you’re attracted to?


What do you absolutely hate?


Favorite childhood memory?

Playing sports with my dad.

You have 24 hours to live. What do you do?

Just spend it with my son and my wife.

What words do you live by?

The devil is in the detail.

What are you wearing today?

Black jeans and a white t-shirt and jewelry.

What’s one of the scariest things you’ve ever done?

Swam with sharks that weren’t on a tour.

If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go?


Who are some people you’d like to meet someday?

If someone asked you to give them a random piece of advice, what would you say?

Know yourself.

What makes you really sad?

The death of a pet.

Are you a religious person?

No, but I’m spiritual.

What was your life like growing up?


Do you have any siblings?

One sister.

What’s been your favorite part about today so far?

Dropping my son off at school.

Who in your life has influenced you the most?

My father and my grandfather.

Have you ever tried sushi?

Yes, I love it.

If you were an animal, what would you be?


What are your major goals in life?

Success in a general and broad sense. A balanced life.

What’s the best decision you ever made?

Proposing to my wife.

How would you label your personal style?

Eclectic. Simple but eclectic.

Shop the latest Huckleberry LTD collection at and follow them on Instagram @huckleberryLTD

Written by Hannah McCauley

Photographs by Mischa Teichgraeber


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