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Mens fashion is constantly evolving with new, innovative categories. Historically deemed as utterly unfashionable, the gamer cliche was an overgrown adult who plays games in their mothers basement. Recently, the gaming industry has grabbed nationwide attention at conventions all over the world and stepped out of the basement, into the limelight. Not only have fashion brands lacked consideration of the gamers' aesthetic, but their activity levels throughout the day. thinks about a roomier fit for comfort, but also uses fabrics that wick (prevents your sweat) and reflective logo details. Chairman, Jon Gurman states. “I have been in the fashion industry for longer than I can remember developing skate brands, surf brands, MMA name it. However, this time is different. The new notion that gaming has inherited top-level professionalism and worldwide support could not prove to be more true.” That is why it is exciting for us to hear that will be the first ever dedicated E-Sports performance Athleisure brand at Macy’s in 49 stores!

Stepping up their game, Macy's has also put in an interactive experience which fits in perfectly with the aesthetic of the brand for gamers, worn by gamers. Taking things even one step further, CEO Cole Gurman- at only 24 years old- is meeting with games in real life, doing one-on-ones to monitor in-real-time movement/reaction time. We appreciate that the brand can be for gamers while still hitting on trends and most of all, affordability. For the avid gamer, has come out with a Pro Posture Corrector that can be used on-the-go or in your gaming chair all day. They even have an actual gaming chair if you're in the market for that too!

You can purchase H4X.GG on their site or visit them at Macy's locations nationwide.

Pbotos courtesy of and

By Nisim Frank


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