#MusicMonday: Weval
Weval’s self-titled full length debut is an electronic album that captures the essence of an enigmatic ambient and fuses it with...

#MusicMonday: Santigold 99 Cents
Santigold (Santi White) clearly is never in any rush to push out her albums. With pop artists sometimes releasing an album a year,...

#MusicMonday: Darwin Deez - Double Down
Since I'm no pro in the music industry, the thought of having to be technical about anything just oozes with pretentious vom. That being...

#MusicMonday: AmirSaysNothing
“I believe in the law of attraction,” Amir tells me last Tuesday over Jameson Gingers. “You can will anything you want into a reality.”...

#MusicMonday: The Soft Moon - DEEPER
If there was ever a question about the sexual arousal associated with the sounds of Oakland's own The Soft Moon, the title off its third...

BACKSTAGE: Singer-Songwriter Blessing Offor
"One big break is all I need." It’s what any artist tells themselves every day, that one day they will be a household star. Blessing...