Originally known as one-third of the now defunct rap group Das Racist, Victor Vazquez (known professionally as Kool A.D.) has emerged as...
MUSE: Emma Myles
SPOILER ALERT: ORANGE IS THE NEW BLACK SEASON 4 SPOILERS AHEAD We first had Emma Myles on our radar when we met at the Kiehls Pride...
MUSE: Nick Hawk
Nick Hawk has done it all...literally and figuratively. One of the lead stars of Showtime's series Gigolos, Hawk has parlayed his talents...
MUSE: Adam Kenworthy
What if we told you that we found the perfect guy? No, really. Personal chef, master photographer, charity work in Nicaragua, and an ease...
MUSE: Xavier Samuel
If you’ve never heard the name Xavier Samuel, you will soon. The young Aussie actor is making a name for himself, not only in his...
Michael Ngo has been drawn to the arts since he was a young boy. As a little kid he enjoyed sketching out outfits and creating new...
BACKSTAGE: Herrick and Hooley
If you haven’t heard of Herrick and Hooley and their most recent album, Texoma, you’re missing out. The Dallas, Texas natives are...
BACKSTAGE: Jeff Cormack of South of France
What do you get when you cross a flamingo, a pine tree, and a gazelle? The collab from South Of France music and Akomplice Clothing. Hot...
#MusicMonday: BASSH
What began as CJ attending Jimmy’s show and recording the set for him as a stranger in the crowd turned into what we now know as the band...
#MusicMonday: MASZER
MASZER is a Seattle band that has evolved immensely in the past few years. Tomer-David and Joseph Braley first started out in a separate...