GROOMED: Bearded Beauty
A few tips from our favorite local hair stylist Mark Schexnayder on how to keep your beard fresh. 1. Use the right products. Mark...

IN CROWD: Lulu's Most Stylish Men in NYC Shoot
Last week we went behind the scenes for Lulu's "Most Stylish Men in NYC" photo shoot. While each guy had hashtags of their own, we were...

GROOMED: Long Hair Don't Care
Not all men can pull off long locks, but for those who don their hair longer than the girls they sleep with, we thank you. The new wave...

LABELED: Blind Date from Hell by Lauren Morgan
A few years back my friend set me up on a blind date so she could go out with the guy's friend. We met up at the Santa Monica Pier on a...

LABELED: I'll Have the Dunkaccino by Kelly McDonald
I knew I needed to get out more, but I was cheap, so the idea of ponying up $49.99 to Match.com filled me with nausea. I had tried it...

LABELED: Take Off the Socks by Alexander Rose
Specific details have been omitted to protect the innocent (pssshhhhhh whatever). His picture wasn’t that clear on OKCupid. Before I left...

LABELED: The Princess Needs Saving by Timmy L'Heureux
I had a crush on a girl I worked with at a theatre. She was 23; I’m 30. One of the things that drew me to her at first, besides being...