MUSE: Model Gianni Di Cioccio
Freshly signed to Wilhemina, Gianni Di Cioccio is booking jobs at Gilt, Blue & Cream, and VK Nagrani, where we first met him while on the...

MUSE: Model Rain Dove
For about half a year now, we’ve had our eye on model Rain Dove. Ever since we saw her walk for Malan Breton’s NYFWM show in 2015 we were...

MUSE: Tom Schwartz
In front of the camera, Tom Schwartz starts off shy; it could have been the extra set of cameras, or the fact that we had to keep music...

MUSE: Cory Wade
Shameless camera affairs are Cory Wade’s specialty. The proclaimed model, musician, and host has chiseled a platform (throne) for...

MUSE: Morgan Demeola
Morgan Demeola is one of the younger girls of the generation changing the game of fashion and using Instagram as an outlet to express...

MUSE: Olivia Vetere
Little Olivia, as we lovingly nicknamed her, is quickly building her social media following and showing that street style isn't just for...

MUSE: Jaslene Gonzalez
From self-proclaimed super fan of America's Next Top Model to winning the competition, it was obvious from the beginning that the...

MUSE: Harold "House" Moore
It is safe to say that actor Harold "House" Moore is a ladies man. With comments on Twitter such as "Every time I see @Whozhouse on my...

MUSE: Preston Alan DeNunzio
Preston Alan DeNunzio is good looking, we can all agree to that. But it's his innate talent in perfect poses, effortlessly cool personal...

MUSE: Theophilus Martins
You could call Theophilus Martins a rapper, designer, model, producer and an artist, but the best way to describe him would be...