#MusicMonday: Santigold 99 Cents
Santigold (Santi White) clearly is never in any rush to push out her albums. With pop artists sometimes releasing an album a year,...

#MusicMonday: Jazzy Vice
Jazzy Vice is the cool girl you want to be. Her huge hair, stunning face and long legs give her the instant spotlight when she walks into...

When first meeting the young, up and coming music producer, Dansonn, you wouldn’t automatically think, “hip hop producer.” Yet, Dansonn...

#MusicMonday: Best Albums of 2015
In my Best Albums of 2014, I let The War on Drugs have it, so in the sake of holiday tradition it only makes sense to throw umbrage...

#MusicMonday: Best Tracks of 2015
[photo courtsey of link] It’s the mosttttt wonderful timeeee of the yearrrrrr. No, not Christmas, fools. As I explained in my “Best...

#MusicMonday: "Pass Dat"
Jeremih's Late Nights nabbed the coveted BNM status Wednesday and predictably has since been on my current rotation. The album contains...

#MusicMonday: Footworkin On Air
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BACKSTAGE: Soren Bryce
Soren Bryce is a breath of fresh air in the music industry. At only 19 years old, Bryce has already proven that she wants to do things...

#MusicMonday: JONES
Although her debut album isn’t due out until next year, JONES’ new single “Hoops” already has us yearning for more. The London-based...

#MusicMonday: Lazy But Luxe
Yesterday on the ultimate “me day” I got my first gel manicure (glitter blue – thanks for asking) and saw a matinee of Angelina Jolie’s...