LABELED: The Russian Roulette of Dating by Greenest Qarth
Get The Look: Hat ; Shirt ; Pants ; Shoes So I met this guy, let’s call him Loop. Like any single woman living in NYC, I was on at least...

LABELED: Dating Anxiety by MJ Kelly
Get The Look: Shirt; Shorts If you know me, then you know that I absolutely loathe going on dates. I am an anxious person as is, so the...

LABELED: Young at Heart by Felicia Teichgraeber
After coming out of a long term, long distance relationship I was ready to take a look into the Los Angeles dating pool. I have in been...

LABELED: Homeless Chic by Anna Dorn
I went to college in North Carolina where the girls have round faces and smile all the time. My face is angular and I hardly ever smile...

LABELED: Ceres Singles Club by John Sammon
Reader’s Note: This is a true story. The following character is desperate for love, or sex rather, and seeks it at what he sees in the...