#MusicMonday: Best Albums of 2015
In my Best Albums of 2014, I let The War on Drugs have it, so in the sake of holiday tradition it only makes sense to throw umbrage...

#MusicMonday: Footworkin On Air
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#MusicMonday: Lazy But Luxe
Yesterday on the ultimate “me day” I got my first gel manicure (glitter blue – thanks for asking) and saw a matinee of Angelina Jolie’s...

#MusicMonday: Basicore
During a particularly soul-crushing workday about a year a go, my friend Liz and I – trapped in our cubicles and communicating over Gchat...

#MusicMonday: D. Gookin
Spotify’s newish Discover Weekly feature has led me to loads of derivative trash, but a few gems. Among these include D. Gookin’s sunny...

#MusicMonday: Soundtrack of a Teenage Girl
Yesterday I saw Marielle Heller’s debut feature, Diary of a Teenage Girl. While I didn’t exactly relate to the protagonist Minnie’s...

#MusicMonday: Darwin Deez - Double Down
Since I'm no pro in the music industry, the thought of having to be technical about anything just oozes with pretentious vom. That being...

#MusicMonday: My Not-So-Secret Love Affair With Nicki Minaj
Last week I both checked a major event off my Bud Light Bucket List and experienced Nirvana. But first let me back up. It’s senior year...

#MusicMonday: Summertime Sadness
A few months ago, I wrote about the colossal high that accompanies summer’s imminence, pointing to the evaporation of winter’s gloom and...

#MusicMonday: Best Tracks of 2015…So Far
Crazed music addicts and generally neurotic individuals like myself are trapped by an undying compulsion to perpetually categorize, list,...